
Hello World C Program

A simple C program to display "Hello World" on the screen. Since, it's a very simple program, it is often used to illustrate the syntax of a programming language. Program to display "Hello World" #include&ltstdio.h&gt #include&ltconio.h&gt void main() { printf("Hello World"); getch(); } OutPut Hello World Description of the above program In C/C++ Language Symbol # is know as preprocessor include is a directory and all the header files like stdio.h, conio.h are kept there. The #include&ltstdio.h&gt (Standard input and OutPut) is a preprocessor commond, the command tells the compiler to include the contents of stdio.h in the program. The stdio.h contains the functions like printf() and scanf() . conio.h stands for "Console Input Output Header File”, which manages input/output on console based application. The execution of every C Program starts from main() function. The function printf()